Convert UTF-8 BOM to UTF-8 Java
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關於「Convert UTF-8 BOM to UTF-8 Java」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
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2. 从xls中copy数据到phone.txt中,此时phone.txt默认格式为UTF-8-BOM。 3. 查看文本编码格式,用nodepad打开文件,Encoding 即可查看文本编码格式...
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參考至 這裡. Preface : 編碼問題一直是編程人員處理上很頭痛的問題, 特別是在處理 BOM 的時候. 舉例來說, 考慮有一個UTF-8 編碼檔案內容如下:
- 3Java Convert a File's Character Encoding from UTF-8 to UFT ...
To add a utf-8 BOM to a file is just a matter of prepending these 3 bytes to the file: 0xEF 0xBB ...
- 4Handle UTF8 file with BOM - Real's Java How-to
UTF8 file are a special case because it is not recommended to add a BOM to them. The presence of ...
- 5Java處理UTF-8帶BOM的文本的讀寫 - 網頁設計教學
BOM(byte-order mark),即字節順序標記,它是插入到以UTF-8、UTF16或UTF-32編碼Unicode文件開頭的特殊標記,用來識別Unicode文件的編碼類型。